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RebelSDL 1.1 - xbox gamepad: some wrong button/axis mappings

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:30 am
by fingus
With Hollywood 9.1 and RebelSDL 1.1 Plugin some button/axis mappings on the newest XBOX Gamepad Controller are wrong:


On first Gamepad connected (0):

rebel_sdl_constant =(is mapped to) real hardware button
#sdl_button_start = Gamepad R-Shoulder
#sdl_button_back = Gamepad L-Shoulder
#sdl_button_guide = not assigned
#sdl_button_rightshoulder = not assigned
#sdl_button_leftshoulder = Gamepad Y-Button
#sdl_button_y = Gamepad X-Button
#sdl_axis_triggerright = Gamepad L-Trigger
#sdl_axis_triggerleft = not assigned

#sdl_button_dpad (all four directions: up, down, left, right) = correct
#sdl_axis_leftx or lefty = correct
#sdl_button_a = correct

other buttons/axis are not (yet) tested/used in my production.

Re: RebelSDL 1.1 - xbox gamepad: some wrong button/axis mappings

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:34 pm
by airsoftsoftwair
Could be related to the fact that RebelSDL still uses a rather old version of SDL. Something like SDL 2.0.5 whereas the most recent version is 2.28 or something. I guess I need to update RebelSDL then this should probably be working.

Re: RebelSDL 1.1 - xbox gamepad: some wrong button/axis mappings

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:55 pm
by fingus
It seems you are right:


Added SDL_GameControllerTypeForIndex(), SDL_GameControllerGetType() to return the type of a game controller (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, or Nintendo Switch Pro)

Re: RebelSDL 1.1 - xbox gamepad: some wrong button/axis mappings

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 9:00 am
by fingus
I purchased the Hollywood X Upgrade and use the (new) Joystick functions from it.