[18 Feb 2007] Creating a scrollable pick-list

Contains all messages from the Hollywood mailing list between 01/2006 and 08/2012

[18 Feb 2007] Creating a scrollable pick-list

Post by butrovski »

Note: This is an archived post that was originally sent to the Hollywood mailing list on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 06:04:34 -0000

Hi everyone, I'm a new Hollywooder :-)

Currently there are no many GUI-type objects available in Hollywood. I'm writing a script that will have to make use of a pick-list type widget. Furthermore, the list could contain so many elements that it is not possible to display them all at once.

Would anyone wish to suggest how to go about building this or has done something like that already? I'm thinking of populating an array, then print elements depending on where the cursor is (selected element); when cursor moves clear and reprint in the new range. Sounds a bit clunky. Is there a better way?

How would you go about highlighting a selected object in the list?

Thanks, D.