Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

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Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

Post by amyren »

I tried my app on a windows laptop with an external sceen attached, set to extended desktop.
The idea was to use a big screen tv as a second monitor to display the app.

The app will alwas open on the laptop screen, and then I drag it to the extended screen. Then I can use alt + enter to get it fullscreen, but it will get black borders all around. (This might be because this monitor have slightly higher resolution than my laptop, even if I did set them both to 1920x1080) If I instead maximize the window first, it will fill the screen. But then, if I press Alt+Enter, the app will crash.
The error message is "errror opening screen", and it points to function waitevent.

Code: Select all

@DISPLAY {Title = "Bingo", ScaleMode = #SCALEMODE_AUTO, Orientation = #ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE, HideTitleBar = True, Sizeable = True}
If I dont use "sizable = true", I will avoid the crash. But then I must live with those black borders.

First,I wonder if this could be a bug?

Next, I like to know if there is a way to disable the Alt+Enter function for my app, just to avoid accidental crashes?

Edit: forgot to mention this is on a win10/x64 system.
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Re: Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

Sounds like a bug. But you can easily disable the Alt+Enter hotkey by setting the "NoModeSwitch" tag to TRUE in @DISPLAY or CreateDisplay().
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Re: Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

Post by amyren »

Thanks, I will try setting nomodeswitch.
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Re: Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

Post by Bugala »

I am adding to this that there surely is some problem with dual monitor set ups, one who was testing my game had very similar sounding problem.

He however said that pushing "alt" + "enter" helped.

I might send you a link to a video about this through a private message. Just waiting for that guy to give me permission to show that video.
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Re: Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

I've tested this now and I think the black borders come from your second monitor. The problem is that Hollywood will switch the monitor's resolution when pressing ALT+ENTER but not all monitors support this because it's basically a thing of the past and shouldn't be done any more on modern systems in 2020. That's why I have changed this now to switch between scaled fullscreen mode and windowed mode when pressing ALT+ENTER (but only on systems where GPU-accelerated scaling is available, otherwise it's too slow).

As a workaround, you could simply put the display manually in scaled fullscreen mode by doing something like this:

Code: Select all

@DISPLAY {Monitor = 2, Mode = "FullScreenScale"}
Then the black borders should be gone.

Code: Select all

- Change [Windows/macOS]: On Windows and macOS (Cocoa) pressing the ALT+RETURN hotkey will now switch to
  scaled fullscreen mode instead of changing the monitor's resolution; changing the monitor's resolution
  doesn't make too much sense on modern hardware any more as it leads to a noticable glitch, takes 
  considerable time and not all monitors support it any more (especially laptops often don't support it
  at all); so simply using fullscreen scaling instead solves all those problems but Hollywood only uses
  it by default on systems that support GPU-accelerated scaling because otherwise it's too slow; if you
  want the old behaviour back, you can set the new "ScaleSwitch" tag to FALSE; you can also use this tag
  to enable the new behaviour on systems that don't use it by default (e.g. Amiga); by default, Hollywood
  will use proportional scaling with anti-aliased interpolation; this can be turned off by setting the
  "KeepProportions" and "SmoothScale" tags to FALSE; there are also some new command line arguments that
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Re: Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

Post by Bugala »

Answering to this to help you remember better.

Hollywood 10 still has the problem that when starting with dual monitor setup, it might happen that you have to press "Alt" + "Enter" to get anything to show.

I just released demo version in Steam and someone I asked to test it out that it works reported me that he needs to push "Alt" + "Enter" to get it to show anything.

I haven't tried yet starting some display mode directly, currently it is on mode where user can choose the screenmode, and that fails.
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Re: Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

Bugala wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 6:15 pm Hollywood 10 still has the problem that when starting with dual monitor setup, it might happen that you have to press "Alt" + "Enter" to get anything to show.
Does this happen all the time or just sometimes?
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Re: Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

Post by Bugala »

Every time, here is one description of the problem from a guy with 4 monitors:

"With 4 monitors, choosing Full Screen Best Fit resulted in all the monitors going black, 3 came back on and 1 stayed black which appears to be where the game is running. Alt+Enter like you mentioned put the game in Windowed mode which actually loaded some text. Since the first screen it mostly black I'm not sure if the game wasn't working, or if it was just stretching the image so far that I could only see black."

The program in question is this one here: ... ll_Humans/
The demo version.

However, I remember when I commented first time on this thread, it was a different program that caused the same behavior on one guy with two monitors.

Also, this Steam games problem have happened now with two people. One with two monitors, another with 4 monitors.

So it don't seem to be a random behavior, but something that is quite common with two monitors.

I am not sure, but I think that when I had two monitors attached to my old computer, where the other monitor was a TV that I used to watch stream with, that I probably did start my game when those two were attached, and I didn't notice any strange behavior, but I cant be sure.

I am going to attach my new computer to TV soon too to see if that same problem happens to me.
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Re: Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

Post by Bugala »

I just hooked up my old computer to TV and monitor at same time again, and I can confirm that program starts normally with no problems.

Unfortunately I cant connect my newer machine since seems I don't have right kind of cable.
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Re: Alt + Enter crashes on dual monitor setup

Post by Bugala »

Getting back to this Dual Monitor Problem.

It might have taken a new form now, either because of Hollywood 11, or because I made a guess work trying to fix the problem (point being, I haven't got the problem myself, so couldn't test the fix try), but I already forgot what I did to try to fix the problem.

New version is that it doesn't show anything at all, except it shows Hollywood logo on a taskbar, that was told by one playtester yesterday.

In addition to this, there were yesterday three streamers, and two of them encountered the issue too (they didn't mention if they saw Hollywood logo in a taskbar or not). Other one only tells she couldn't get it to start, but other one is actually having that problem live in his broadcast, which is here:

He is right at beginning of video having the problem and he is commenting a bit about the problem, commenting that it seems to start in non-existing monitor 3, for which reason alt + f4 helps, since it keeps switching its place.

About that third streamer, I don't know if she got it working normally or if she figured out herself the alt + f4 trick, as I didn't see her starting it.

Anyway, clearly this dual monitor issue is very common, although neither you or me were getting it.
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