First test was in default mode and I tested in Winuae with a plain OS3.2 setup, and also a OS3.1 setup. Both with 020 without fpu.
It runs, but very slow. I tried both with and without FBlit and BlazeWCP, but I cant say I noticed any major speed differences.
Then I want to try out in palettemode, and here is where I struggle to get it running.
First I have this code, which works
Code: Select all
@REQUIRE "plananarama", {Link = True, PaletteMode = True}
@DISPLAY {Width = 320, Height = 256, Title = "Caveman",ScaleMode = #SCALEMODE_AUTO, Sizeable = True, Borderless = True, PALETTE = #PALETTE_AGA}
Code: Select all
LoadBGPic(1, GetDirectoryEntry(seldir, "bg_caveman.png"))
DisplayBGPic(1, {Palette = #PALETTE_AGA})
I also tried loading the palette from the LoadBGPic function, but then it will give the error that the choosen png image does not have a palette.
How can I resolve this issue?