What ways to display a message to a user when starting a program?

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What ways to display a message to a user when starting a program?

Post by Bugala »

I am currently enocuntering a problem where dual monitor setups (in Windows) might not work properly.
They get to select the screenmode, and after that it displays only black, unless user press "Alt" + "Enter".

Since this Alt+Enter is a solution to the problem, I am wondering how could I display a message to the user right at beginning of the program.

Like, is there a way to change the default message "Please select desired Display mode!"?
Because adding to that a part that tells "in case you face a black screen with dual monitors, press Alt + Enter" would solve this problem at this point well enough.
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Re: What ways to display a message to a user when starting a program?

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

I'd try to work around the issue instead. Don't use Hollywood's screen requester but start with a hidden display, query the number of monitors available using GetMonitors(), if the system has more than one monitor pop up a requester that asks the user which monitor to use, then pass the selected monitor to your OpenDisplay() call. That should easily allow you to work around the issue and avoid hassling the user with having to press ALT-Enter...
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Re: What ways to display a message to a user when starting a program?

Post by Bugala »

Thanks, going to try that.
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Re: What ways to display a message to a user when starting a program?

Post by Bugala »

Is there a way to receive information about in which monitor the program was started?
As in if someone starts it from Steam, then Steam will be in one of the monitors. For instead of displaying a requester, could just open the program in the monitor which opened the program, since that is probably what the user expects.
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Re: What ways to display a message to a user when starting a program?

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

Not sure if that is possible. How do other programs react when you have Explorer on the second monitor? Will they open on the second monitor then?
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Re: What ways to display a message to a user when starting a program?

Post by Bugala »

Got myself right cable to display second monitor on TV on my new computer too.

I still am not able to repeat the black screen problem that others have reported to me.

However, took now some testing by moving explorer to the second monitor, and then tested by starting Audacity and Blender through explorer, and they both start to the first monitor instead of the second. So I guess the standard way to handle this is to start programs to the primary monitor instead to the one where they are started from.

I also took some testing with Hollywood program, and they always start to primary monitor as well, including that when there is at beginning the asking of in which mode (windows, full screen..) to start the program, then even when I moved that question bar to the second monitor, after making that selection it still opened it to the primary monitor instead of the second monitor.
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