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Keyfile generator for plugin?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:54 pm
by SamuraiCrow
I've been considering distributing a utility as a Hollywood applet and using a keyfile to activate the registration of some of the features of the file library APIs so that the unregistered version could edit but not save a file, for example. I know that Hollywood has its own keyfile but I don't know enough about security or encryption to come up with a sufficiently non-duplicatable keyfile format. Would it be possible to make a keyfile generator utility that could be sold as an add-on for authors to distribute cross-platform utilities?

Re: Keyfile generator for plugin?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:05 pm
by airsoftsoftwair
Sure, that's possible but I'm not interested in creating such a generator because it's only of use for very few people...