ListTree looking for a solution

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Re: ListTree looking for a solution

Post by djrikki »

I can't follow your code in C, doesn't help that a lot of your variables are just two letters and I am meant to guess what they mean. Are you able to comment it or better still write it in psuedocode?
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Re: ListTree looking for a solution

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

This is really simple. You know you've arrived at the end of a branch when Listtree.GetEntry() returns FALSE. As soon as Listtree.GetEntry() returns FALSE, you just have to look at the last element you've successfully obtained from it and then you know that this must be the last element in this branch.

Do I spy another GUI designer for MUI Royale here? :)
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Re: ListTree looking for a solution

Post by bitRocky »

Because I don't know how to edit my post, I quoted it and appended some comments.
bitRocky wrote:Hi,

here is a C source code, I hope you can make some use of it:

Code: Select all

// this function prints the name of a class, if "end" is true, it preceeds with a "/" to mark the end of a class
printCID(long i, enum CLASSID cid, BOOL end) {
	long j;

	for(j=1; j <= i; j++) {bug("  "); }
	bug("%s%s\n", end ? "/" : "", CLASSIDStr[cid]);
		//struct MP_ *m = (APTR)msg;
		Object			*lt = data->ltMenu; // the listtree object
		structTN			*tn = NULL; // the current treenode
                structTN                    *hd = NULL; // the head/first node of a listnode
                structTN                    *tnP = NULL; // the parent treenode
                structTN                    *ln = NULL; // the listnode
                structTN                    *pn = NULL; // another parent node
		struct MenuEntry	*entry; // my user data of a treenode
		long				i=0; // the indent level

		tn = LT_Head(lt, NULL); // get the head of the listtree
		while (tn)
			entry = tn->tn_User; // get my userdata
			if (entry) {
				printCID(i, entry->cid, FALSE); // print the class name
				if (LT_IsListNode(tn)){ // if its a listnode, increment the indentation level
			tnP = tn; hd = 1; // remember parent node, and set "head" to some value not NULL
			if (LT_IsListNode(tn) && (hd = LT_Head(lt, tn))){ // if current node is a listnode, get the head of it
				tn = hd; // set the current node "tn" to the head
			}else{ // current treenode is an empty listnode or a treenode
				if (!hd){ // if it was an empty listnode, print the end marker of the class
					printCID(i, entry->cid, TRUE);
				tn = LT_NextSame(lt, tn); // get the next treenode with the same level!
				while (!tn) {// while there is no treenode with the same level, find the next treenode of its parent node
					pn = LT_Parent(lt, tnP);
					if (pn){
						entry = pn->tn_User;
						printCID(i, entry->cid, TRUE); // print the classname with an end marker
						tn = LT_NextSame(lt, pn); tnP = pn;
/* This part is obsolete, the while loop above does the job
			if (!tn) { 
				while( (pn = LT_Parent(lt, tnP)) && !(tn = LT_NextSame(lt, pn)) )
					{ tnP = pn; };
		}// while	
		return 0;
And this is the output:

Code: Select all

And this is the tree:
airsoftsoftwair wrote:@bitRocky:
Do I spy another GUI designer for MUI Royale here? :)
My designer was the first;)
I created the thread where I asked if there will be a MUIDesigner for Hollywood, but then djrikki came up with its colorfull and more advanced version and I lost a bit of motivation...
Also he seems to create a full blown AppDesigner for Hollywood!

But I think I will continue and maybe create a universal MUIDesigner not only for Hollywood...
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Re: ListTree looking for a solution

Post by djrikki »

Prior to seeking a solution to this I was using the recursive function to store elements of the layout in an array for later saving to disc then had another section of code that would traverse this array to produce the layout. After many seemingly wasted hours over the weekend I came to the conclusion that I would have to re-write this section of code entirely.
So now I have one recursive function that does both operations at the same time prepares an array for later saving to disc and produces a layout, thankfully with your help I now have what I come to call Container Groups successively ending with a '</' throughout the layout, thank you.
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Re: ListTree looking for a solution

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

I created the thread where I asked if there will be a MUIDesigner for Hollywood, but then djrikki came up with its colorfull and more advanced version and I lost a bit of motivation...
Also he seems to create a full blown AppDesigner for Hollywood!

But I think I will continue and maybe create a universal MUIDesigner not only for Hollywood...
Yeah, don't let yourself be discouraged. Just release it and let the users decide which one they prefer....
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Re: ListTree looking for a solution

Post by djrikki »


Besides I am some time away from a release date, waiting on Andreas to add <item> userdata functionality during runtime. I would be interested to know in broad terms how much longer this may be.
Evolve - Rapid GUI Development tool for MUI Royale and RapaGUI
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Re: ListTree looking for a solution

Post by djrikki »

Look... nearly working... Just need to work out why a bunch of close tags are missing from the end, then and only then will the ; comments be removed

Code: Select all

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Evolve - Rapid GUI Development tool for MUI Royale and RapaGUI
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Re: ListTree looking for a solution

Post by djrikki »

Was worthwhile pasting it in here, spotted and fixed a couple of Class Properties in the output.
Evolve - Rapid GUI Development tool for MUI Royale and RapaGUI
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Re: ListTree looking for a solution

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

djrikki wrote:Besides I am some time away from a release date, waiting on Andreas to add <item> userdata functionality during runtime. I would be interested to know in broad terms how much longer this may be.
Don't expect it too soon.... but you can just use the workaround I posted a few weeks ago. This really shouldn't stop you from finishing MUI Builder :)
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Re: ListTree looking for a solution

Post by djrikki »

Yes I did it see it posted (somewhere), to be honest I have plenty still to do so probably 6-8 weeks away. I don't know how that fits with your timescales.

Once I've got the layout.xml sorted, the next complicated step will be building the event hander which ideally should fit within the same recursive function.
Evolve - Rapid GUI Development tool for MUI Royale and RapaGUI
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