DSI in ParseText

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Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:26 am

DSI in ParseText

Post by djrikki »

Hello, I have developed a function to scan through code and return text as syntax highlighted, apart from not yet working out how to highlight Quoted text, I have been able to replicate a DSI with my app, if I switch focus to a register tab containing newly updated text$ information held in a floattext gadget the Function Name of the Crash Location returned is within the ParseTextEngine.

Code: Select all

Function base:TidyText(text$)
    Local dictionary =
        { "@APPAUTHOR ", 0 },
        { "@APPCOPYRIGHT ", 0 },
        { "@APPDESCRIPTION ", 0 },
        { "@APPICON ", 0 },
        { "@APPTITLE ", 0 },
        { "@APPVERSION ", 0 },
        { "@AUTHOR ", 0 },
        { "@DESCRIPTION ", 0 },
        { "@DISPLAY ", 0 },
        { "@INCLUDE ", 0 },
        { "@OPTIONS ", 0 },
        { "@REQUIRE ", 0 },
		{ "Case ", 1 },
		{ "CloseFile", 2 },
		{ "Const ", 1 },
        { "CtrlCQuit", 2 },
		{ "DebugPrint", 2},
		{ "Default", 1 },
		{ "DimStr", 2 },
        { "Else", 1 },
		{ "End()", 2 },
        { "EndFunction", 1 },
        { "EndIf", 1  },
		{ "EndSwitch", 1 },
		{ "Exists", 2 },
		{ "ExitOnError", 2 },
		{ "FindStr", 2 },
		{ "For ", 1 },
		{ "Forever", 1 },
        { "Function ", 1 },
        { "GetFileAttributes", 2 },
        { "Global ", 1 },
        { "If ", 1 },
        { "InstallEventHandler", 2 },
        { "LoadBrush", 2 },
        { "Local ", 1 },
		{ "MakeDirectory", 2 },
		{ "MidStr", 2 },
        { "mui.CreateGUI", 2 },
        { "mui.Get", 2 },
        { "mui.IsVersion() ", 2 },
        { "mui.Set", 2 },
		{ "Next", 1 },
		{ "OpenFile", 2 },
        { "PathPart", 2 },
		{ "ReadLine", 2 },
        { "Repeat", 1 },
		{ "ReplaceStr", 2 },
		{ "Return", 1 },
		{ "Seek", 2 },
		{ "SendRexxCommand", 2 },
		{ "SplitStr", 2 },
		{ "Switch ", 1 },
        { "SystemRequest", 2 },
		{ "ToNumber", 2 },
		{ "ToString", 2 },
		{ "TrimStr", 2 },
		{ "WaitEvent()", 2 },
		{ "Wend", 1 },
		{ "While Not Eof", 2 },
		{ "WriteLine", 2 },
    Local lines, count = SplitStr(text$,"\n")
    Local colours = {}
    colours[0] = FormatStr("%.6X",Config[11]) ; Preprocessors
    colours[1] = FormatStr("%.6X",Config[12]) ; Structure
    colours[2] = FormatStr("%.6X",Config[13]) ; Commands
    colours[3] = FormatStr("%.6X",Config[14]) ; Comments
    colours[4] = FormatStr("%.6X",Config[15]) ; Default Text

    Local skip = False
    For Local l = 0 to count-1
	    If LeftStr(lines[l],2) = "/*" or LeftStr(lines[l],1) = ";" or LeftStr(lines[l],1) = "*" or LeftStr(lines[l],6) = "@BRUSH" or LeftStr(TrimStr(lines[l],"\t",False),2) = ";;"
        	If RightStr(lines[l],2) = "*/"
	        	lines[l] = "\27P[" .. colours[3] .. "]" .. lines[l] .. "\27P[" .. colours[4] .. "]"
	        	lines[l] = "\27P[" .. colours[3] .. "]" .. lines[l]
	        skip = True
	        If RightStr(lines[l],2) = "*/"
	            lines[l] = "\27P[" .. colours[4] .. "]"
        If skip = False
        	For Local d = 0 to ListItems(dictionary)-1
				lines[l] = ReplaceStr(lines[l], dictionary[d][0],  "\27P[" .. colours[dictionary[d][1]] .. "]" .. dictionary[d][0] .. "\27P[" .. colours[4] .. "]")
		skip = False
    text$ = ""
    For Local l = 0 to count-1
    	text$ = text$ .. lines[l] .. "\n"
Evolve - Rapid GUI Development tool for MUI Royale and RapaGUI
Posts: 682
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:26 am

Re: DSI in ParseText

Post by djrikki »

Quite typically I cannot get it to DSI again after reboot, but it does come back from time to time, not good.

The returned text typically looks like so and then is applied to the relevant floattext object.

Code: Select all

[248F37]** Created by: Evolve 0.1 (23 August 2015)
[248F37]** Project: Application Name
[248F37]** File: eventhandler.hws
[248F37]** Date: 23-Aug-15 18:02:32

[0A0DBC]Function [000000]event_handler(msg)
    [0A8182]DebugPrint[000000]("Class: " .. msg.class .. "  Id: " .. msg.id .. "  Attribute: " .. msg.attribute .. "  Trigger: " .. msg.triggervalue)

	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.class
[248F37]		;; Application
	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Application"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attibute
[248F37]				;;             ConfigChange
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"ConfigChange"
[248F37]				;;             DoubleStart
	    	  	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"DoubleStart"
[248F37]		;; Window
	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Window"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Activate
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Activate"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
			    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"SPSH"

[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"MAIN"

[248F37]				;;              ActiveObject
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"ActiveObject"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"SPSH"

[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"MAIN"

[248F37]				;;              CloseRequest
			    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"CloseRequest"
			    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
			    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"SPSH"

[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"MAIN"

[248F37]				;;              MouseObject
			  	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"MouseObject"
			  		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
			  		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"SPSH"

[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"MAIN"

[248F37]		;; MenuItem
	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Menuitem"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Selected
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Selected"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"application-about"
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"application-aboutmui"
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"application-aboutmuiroyale"
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"application-mui"
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"application-quit"
[248F37]		;; --------------

[248F37]		;; Button
		[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Button"
		    [0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Pressed
		        [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Pressed"
		        	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
		        	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup1-button1"

[248F37]				;;              Toggle
		        [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Toggle"
		        	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
		        	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup1-button1"


[248F37]		;; Checkmark
  	   	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Checkmark"
  	   		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Selected
  	   		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Selected"
  	   		    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup6-checkmark1"


[248F37]		;; ColorAdjust
  	   	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"ColorAdjust"
  	   		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              RGB
  	   		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"RGB"
  	   		    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	  	   		    	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-color-1"


[248F37]		;; Cycle
  	   	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Cycle"
  	   		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Active
  	   		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Active"
  	   		    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup5-cycle1"

[248F37]		;; DirList
  	   	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"DirList"
  	   		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Status
  	   		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Status"
  	   		    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
  	   		    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup6-dirlist0"

[248F37]		;; Gauge
  	   	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Gauge"
  	   		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Current
  	   			[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Current"
  	   				[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
  	   				    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win0-hgroup0-gauge0"

[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup6-gauge"

[248F37]		;; ListTree
	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Listtree"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Active
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Active"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-virtgroup0-listtree"

	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"DoubleClick"
[248F37]				;;              DoubleClick
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    		[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-virtgroup0-listtree"

[248F37]		;; ListView
	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Listview"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              ClickColumn
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"ClickColumn"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-vgroup1-listview-0"

[248F37]				;;              DoubleClick
	    		[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"DoubleClick"
	    			[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    			    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-vgroup1-listview-0"

[248F37]				;;              SelectChange
	    		[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"SelectChange"
	    			[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    			    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-vgroup1-listview-0"

[248F37]				;;              TitleClick
				[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"TitleClick"
					[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
					    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-vgroup1-listview-0"

[248F37]		;; PopDrawer
	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"PopDrawer"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Acknowledge
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Acknowledge"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    		[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup2-popdrawer1"

[248F37]				;;              Contents
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Contents"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup2-popdrawer1"

[248F37]		;; PopFile
	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"PopFile"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Acknowledge
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Acknowledge"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup2-popfile1"

[248F37]				;;              Contents
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Contents"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup2-popfile1"

[248F37]		;; PopFont
	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"PopFont"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Acknowledge
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Acknowledge"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup6-popfont1"

[248F37]				;;              Contents
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Contents"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup6-popfont1"

[248F37]		;; PopList
	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Poplist"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Acknowledge
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Acknowledge"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup2-poplist1"

[248F37]				;;              Contents
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Contents"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup2-poplist1"


[248F37]		;; Poppen
		[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Poppen"
			[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              RGB
			    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"RGB"
			    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
			    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-poppen1"

[248F37]		;; Radio
		[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Radio"
			[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Active
			    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Active"
			    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
			    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-othertab-0"

[248F37]		;; Register
		[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Register"
			[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              ActivePage
			    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"ActivePage"
			    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
			    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-register0"


[248F37]		;; Slider
  	   	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Slider"
  	   		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Level
  	   		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Level"
  	   		    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
  	   		    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-vgroup3-slider1"

[248F37]				;;              Stringify
  	   		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Stringify"
  	   		    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
  	   		    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-vgroup3-slider1"

[248F37]		;; String
  	   	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"String"
  	   		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Acknowledge
  	   		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Acknowledge"
  	   		    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup2-string1"

[248F37]				;;              Contents
  	   		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Contents"
  	   		    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
  	   		    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup2-string1"

	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"TextEditor"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Align
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Align"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"

[248F37]				;;              AreaMarked
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"AreaMarked"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"

[248F37]				;;              CursorX
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"CursorX"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"

[248F37]				;;              CursorY
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"CursorY"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
	    	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"

[248F37]				;;              HasChanged
	    		[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"HasChanged"
	    			[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
		    			[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"

[248F37]				;;              Pen
		    	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Pen"
		    		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
		    		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"

[248F37]				;;              RedoAvailable
		    	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"RedoAvailable"
		    		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
		    		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"

[248F37]				;;              StyleBold
		    	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"StyleBold"
		    		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
		    		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"

[248F37]				;;              StyleItalic
		    	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"StyleItalic"
		    		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
		    		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"

[248F37]				;;              RedoAvailable
		    	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"RedoAvailable"
		    		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
		    		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"

[248F37]				;;              UndoAvailable
		    	[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"UndoAvailable"
		    		[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
		    		    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-hgroup3-texteditor1"


[248F37]		;; Toolbar
		[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Toolbar"
			[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Active
			    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Active"
			    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
			    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-toolbar0"


[248F37]		;; Toolbarbutton
	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Toolbarbutton"
	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.attribute
[248F37]				;;              Pressed
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Pressed"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-toolbar0-button1"

[248F37]				;;              Selected
	    	    [0A0DBC]Case [000000]"Selected"
	    	    	[0A0DBC]Switch [000000]msg.id
						[0A0DBC]Case [000000]"win1-toolbar0-button1"

Evolve - Rapid GUI Development tool for MUI Royale and RapaGUI
Posts: 682
Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:26 am

Re: DSI in ParseText

Post by djrikki »

Sidenote, not yet perfected this function as can be seen on the first line of this screen; Return is shown in blue on the first line, but it resides in Quoted Text so should be ignored.

Evolve - Rapid GUI Development tool for MUI Royale and RapaGUI
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Posts: 5443
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Location: Germany

Re: DSI in ParseText

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

I'm afraid unless you can present a ready-to-run code snippet that I can just copy & paste and run I can't do anything about this.
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