5 Band Resistor Calculator

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5 Band Resistor Calculator

Post by Redlion »

Hi All,

I need to have a quick to check the values of resistors, so I came up with this little program. A friend saw it an grabbed a copy and said I should share it cause it was quick and easy to use. So here it is as code.

Hope you enjoy and if you find any errors in the calculations let me know.

It was done HW 6.1 but I think it should run on earlier versions, as there is nothing special about the code.

Cheers Leo


Code: Select all

/*** Make sure we have at least Hollywood 6.1! */

/*** This script requires the MUIRoyale plugin */

/*** Information about this app */
@APPTITLE "Resistor Calc"
@APPVERSION "$VER: 1.0.0 (26.01.18)"
@APPCOPYRIGHT "(C) 2018 by Leo den Hollander"
@APPAUTHOR "Leo den Hollander"
@APPDESCRIPTION "5 Band Resistor Calculator"

@DISPLAY {Hidden=True}


;*** Button Colour Check *****************************************************
Function ColourCheck()
idno = Val(RightStr(buttonid,2))
Mui.Set("result", "contents", idno)
if idno >= 10 and idno <= 19
    Mui.set("B1", "Brush", idno - 10)
    D1 = idno -10
if idno >= 20 and idno <= 29
    Mui.set("B2", "Brush", idno - 20)
    D2 = idno -20
if idno >= 30 and idno <= 39
    Mui.set("B3", "Brush", idno - 30)
    D3 = idno -30
if idno >= 40 and idno <= 49
    Mui.set("B4", "Brush", idno - 40)
    D4 = idno - 40
    If D4 = 0 
         D4 = 1
    ElseIf D4 = 1 
         D4 = 10
    ElseIf D4 = 2 
         D4 = 100
    ElseIf D4 = 3 
         D4 = 1000
    ElseIf D4 = 4 
        D4 = 10000
    ElseIf D4 = 5 
        D4 = 100000
    ElseIf D4 = 6 
         D4 = 1000000
    ElseIf D4 = 7 
         D4 = 10000000
    ElseIf D4 = 8 
         D4 = 100000000
    ElseIf D4 = 9
        D4 = 1000000000
if idno >= 50 and idno <= 59
    Mui.set("B5", "Brush", idno - 50)
    D5 = idno -50
    If D5 = 0 
         D5 = ""
    ElseIf D5 = 1 
         D5 = "  Tol = 1%"
    ElseIf D5 = 2 
         D5 = "  Tol = 2%"
    ElseIf D5 = 3 
         D5 = ""
    ElseIf D5 = 4 
        D5 = ""
    ElseIf D5 = 5 
        D5 = "  Tol = 0.5%"
    ElseIf D5 = 6 
         D5= "  Tol = 0.25%"
    ElseIf D5 = 7 
         D5 = "  Tol = 0.1%"
    ElseIf D5 = 8 
         D5 = ""
    ElseIf D5 = 9
        D5 = ""
Mui.set("result","contents", D1 .. D2 .. D3 .. " x " .. D4)

;*** Event Functios ***********************************************************
Function p_MUIFunc(msg)
    Switch msg.action
        Case "MUIRoyale":
            Switch msg.attribute
                Case "CloseRequest":

                Case "Pressed":
                     If msg.id = "calc"
                            Resist = D1 .. D2 .. D3
                            Ohms = Val(Resist) * D4
                            If Ohms > 999 and ohms < 1000000
                                Ohms = Ohms/1000
                                Total = strstr(Ohms) .. " K ohms"
                            elseif Ohms > 999999 and ohms < 1000000000
                                Ohms = Ohms/1000000
                                Total = strstr(Ohms) .. " M ohms"
                            elseif Ohms > 999999999
                                Ohms = Ohms/1000000000
                                Total = strstr(Ohms) .. " G ohms"
                                 Total = strstr(Ohms) .. " ohms"
                            Mui.set("result","contents", Total .. D5)
                    elseif msg.id = "clear"
                             Mui.set("B1", "Brush", 10)
                             Mui.set("B2", "Brush", 10)
                             Mui.set("B3", "Brush", 10)
                             Mui.set("B4", "Brush", 10)
                             Mui.set("B5", "Brush", 10)
                            D1 =0
                            D2 = 0
                            D3 = 0
                            D4 = 0
                            D5 = ""
                        buttonid = msg.id

;*** dynamically create GUI from an external *.xml file definition ************

;*** listen to these events! **************************************************
InstallEventHandler({MUIRoyale = p_MUIFunc, HideWindow = p_MUIFunc, ShowWindow = p_MUIFunc})

;*** main loop! ***************************************************************
XML = "RC.xml"

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<application id="app">
    <window id="win" title="5 Band Resistor Calculator" width="600" height="600" notify="closerequest">
        <vgroup backgroundrgb="#bbbbbb" font="big">
                <colgroup columns="7">
                        <label centered="true"> Colour  </label>
                        <label centered="true"> Band 1 </label>
                        <label centered="true"> Band 2 </label>
                        <label centered="true"> Band 3 </label>
                        <label centered="true"> Multiplier</label>
                        <label centered="true"> Tolerance </label>
                        <label centered="true"> Value </label>
                        <label> Black </label>
                        <button id="band10"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#000000"> </button>
                        <button id="band20"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#000000"> </button>
                        <button id="band30"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#000000"> </button>
                        <button id="band40"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#000000"> </button>
                        <button id="band50"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#000000"> </button>
                        <label centered="true"> 0 </label>
                        <label> Brown </label>
                        <button id="band11"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#774422"> </button>
                        <button id="band21"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#774422"> </button>
                        <button id="band31"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#774422"> </button>
                        <button id="band41"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#774422"> </button>
                        <button id="band51"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#774422"> </button>
                        <label centered="true"> 1 </label>
                        <label> Red </label>
                        <button id="band12"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ff0000"> </button>
                        <button id="band22"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ff0000"> </button>
                        <button id="band32"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ff0000"> </button>
                        <button id="band42"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ff0000"> </button>
                        <button id="band52"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ff0000"> </button>
                        <label centered="true"> 2 </label>
                        <label> Orange </label>
                        <button id="band13"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ff5522"> </button>
                        <button id="band23"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ff5522"> </button>
                        <button id="band33"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ff5522"> </button>
                        <button id="band43"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ff5522"> </button>
                        <button id="band53"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ff5522"> </button>
                        <label centered="true"> 3 </label>
                         <label> Yellow </label>
                        <button id="band14"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ffff00"> </button>
                        <button id="band24"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ffff00"> </button>
                        <button id="band34"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ffff00"> </button>
                        <button id="band44"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ffff00"> </button>
                        <button id="band54"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ffff00"> </button>
                        <label centered="true"> 4 </label>
                        <label> Green </label>
                        <button id="band15"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#00ff00"> </button>
                        <button id="band25"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#00ff00"> </button>
                        <button id="band35"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#00ff00"> </button>
                        <button id="band45"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#00ff00"> </button>
                        <button id="band55"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#00ff00"> </button>
                        <label centered="true"> 5 </label>
                        <label> Blue </label>
                        <button id="band16"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#0000ff"> </button>
                        <button id="band26"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#0000ff"> </button>
                        <button id="band36"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#0000ff"> </button>
                        <button id="band46"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#0000ff"> </button>
                        <button id="band56"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#0000ff"> </button>
                        <label centered="true"> 6 </label>
                        <label> Violet </label>
                        <button id="band17"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#550055"> </button>
                        <button id="band27"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#550055"> </button>
                        <button id="band37"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#550055"> </button>
                        <button id="band47"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#550055"> </button>
                        <button id="band57"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#550055"> </button>
                        <label centered="true"> 7 </label>
                        <label> Gray </label>
                        <button id="band18"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#777777"> </button>
                        <button id="band28"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#777777"> </button>
                        <button id="band38"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#777777"> </button>
                        <button id="band48"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#777777"> </button>
                        <button id="band58"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#777777"> </button>
                        <label centered="true"> 8 </label>
                        <label> White </label>
                        <button id="band19"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ffffff"> </button>
                        <button id="band29"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ffffff"> </button>
                        <button id="band39"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ffffff"> </button>
                        <button id="band49"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ffffff"> </button>
                        <button id="band59"  notify="pressed" backgroundrgb="#ffffff"> </button>
                        <label centered="true"> 9 </label>
                    <vspace height="20"/>
                        <rectangle />
                        <hgroup backgroundrgb="#999999" >
                            <rectangle />
                            <hspace width="10"/>
                            <image id="b1"  source="brush:10" />
                            <image id="b2" source="brush:10" />
                            <image id="b3" source="brush:10" />
                            <image id="b4" source="brush:10" />
                            <hspace width="15"/>
                            <image id="b5" source="brush:10" />
                            <hspace width="10"/>
                    <vspace height="5"/>
                            <text id="result" backgroundrgb="#999999"></text>
                    <vspace height="10"/>
                        <button id="calc" notify="pressed" >Calculate</button>
                        <button id="clear" notify="pressed" >Clear</button>
                    <vspace height="10"/>

Sam460 Lite
A4000 A3000 A2000 A1200 A1000 A600 A500 CD32
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Juan Carlos
Posts: 891
Joined: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:02 pm

Re: 5 Band Resistor Calculator

Post by Juan Carlos »

And will add smd resistor?
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Juan Carlos
Posts: 891
Joined: Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:02 pm

Re: 5 Band Resistor Calculator

Post by Juan Carlos »

The code doesn't work, under MorphOS the variables. Name doesn't work and under Windows the code ask the mui royal.
Posts: 120
Joined: Fri Nov 14, 2014 6:01 pm

Re: 5 Band Resistor Calculator

Post by bitRocky »

Here it works, after replacing all "alt-space" (ascii 160) with normal "space" (ascii 32) characters.
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Re: 5 Band Resistor Calculator

Post by jPV »

Yeah, tabs seem to get broken when you copy code from here. At least under OWB/MorphOS. But once you fix them (for example by using a "replace all" function in some text editor), you get it working.

And programs using MUIRoyale only work under Amiga compatibles naturally :)

Useful idea for a program, so thanks for sharing!
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Re: 5 Band Resistor Calculator

Post by Redlion »

Hi All,

Sorry about not stating Amiga only, thought it was obvious from the "REQUIRE MUIRoyale"

@ Juan Carlos Never considered SMD's as I have never used them. Will have a look. I intend to add 4 band and 6 band as well.
( I may make a cross platform version using my Simple Gadgets )

@ All Not sure why it changes spaces and tabs during copy and paste. Having the code in some sort of basic format makes it easier to read.
( may have to ask airsoftsoftwair if its a forum thing )

Sam460 Lite
A4000 A3000 A2000 A1200 A1000 A600 A500 CD32
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